There are currently 10 networks participating in MetaRed, and each network is led by a University Rector of one of the network´s universities.
- Dr. Alejandro Villar, President of MetaRed Argentina.
- D. Hermes Ferreira Figueiredo, President of MetaRed Brazil. D
- Dr. Carlos Araya Leandro, President of MetaRed Central America and the Caribbean.
- Dr. Álvaro Rojas, President of MetaRed Chile.
- Padre Jorge Humberto Peláez Piedrahita, President of MetaRed Colombia.
- Dr. Nicolai Samaniego Erazo, President of MetaRed Ecuador.
- Dr. Juan Gómez Ortega, President of MetaRed Spain.
- Mtro. Jaime Valls Esponda, President of MetaRed Mexico.
- Dr. Edward Roekaert Embrechts , President of MetaRed Peru.
- Dra. Ana Costa Freitas, President of MetaRed Portugal
Each one of the 10 networks counts with 10 respective Executive Secretaries, who plan the actions that will be taken according to that strategic lines proposed by the Presidents. The 10 Executive Secretaries in each MetaRed network are:
- Germán Reynolds, Executive Secretary of MetaRed Argentina.
- Rodrigo de Grazia Bacha, Executive Secretary of MetaRed Brazil.
- Alonso Castro, Executive Secretary of MetaRed Central America and the Caribbean.
- Luis Valenzuela, Executive Secretary of MetaRed Chile.
- Luis Francisco Martínez, Executive Secretary of MetaRed Colombia.
- Juan Córdova , Executive Secretary of MetaRed Ecuador.
- Virginia Vega, Executive Secretary of MetaRed Spain.
- José Luis Ponce, Executive Secretary of MetaRed Mexico.
- Jorge Bossio, Executive Secretary of MetaRed Peru.
- Joaquim Godinho, Executive Secretary of MetaRed Portugal.
There is also a Plenary in each network, where these actions are discussed locally in the countries. This is the highest decision-making body of MetaRed, and is made up of a President, Rector of a University, appointed by the Plenary, and one member for each of the associated universities, expressly designated by their respective Rector, preferably a member of the University’s Management Team or CIO.
Functions of the Plenary
- Planning the organisation, operation and activities of MetaRed.
- Elect the members of the Executive Committee.
- To create and suppress Working Groups, as proposed by the Executive Committee.
- Approving the proposed MetaRed Activities Report, its annual planning and financing if appropriate.
- To draw up MetaRed’s Internal Regulations.
Plenary meetings
- The MetaRed Plenary will meet in an ordinary session at least once a year, and in an extraordinary session whenever agreed by the President, or requested by the Executive Committee or 30% of its members.
- Plenary sessions must be called by e-mail by the Technical Coordinator, by order of the President, at least fifteen calendar days before the date of the meeting.
- The valid constitution of the Plenary will require the presence of at least a third of its members, and the agreements will be taken by simple majority.
- In addition to the members designated by the universities, other members may be called by each of the associated universities, with voice but without vote. They must have a technical profile and be expressly designated by their respective Rector.
- Other persons with competence in the subject matter may attend a specific session, with voice but without vote, provided that they have been formally and expressly invited by the MetaRed Executive Committee.
- Each University, regardless of the number of people participating in the Plenary Session, will have a single vote, when necessary, held by the designated representative or person delegated by the Rector of each University.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is presided over by a Rector of a university in the country, appointed by the Plenary.
Functions of the Executive Committee of each network
- Programming and developing MetaRed’s proposals and agreements.
- Proposing to the Plenary the constitution of Working Groups and promoting their coordination, as well as their possible representation in the Executive Committee itself.
- To prepare the MetaRed Activities Report Proposal and its funding proposal, which must be submitted to the Plenary for approval.
- To coordinate the implementation of an annual planning proposal of activities and their funding.
- To carry out the functions attributed to the MetaRed Plenary, in cases of extraordinary and urgent need, giving an account of what has been decided in the first session held by this body for its ratification.
- To appoint the Technical Coordinator of the Committee in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
- All those functions designated by the MetaRed Plenary.
Strategic Lines 2021
The Presidents of the networks discuss the strategic lines annually. In October 2020, the Presidents proposed 11 strategic lines for 2021:
- To measure and improve digital skills of teachers and IT areas and to promote specialized and quality training actions in ICT.
- To promote the digital maturity of the Higher Education ecosystem, to collect and disseminate best practices and IT solutions from HEIs and to promote and residue of university management processes towards their electronic administration.
- To raise the awareness of the government teams for their involvement in the Digital Transformation.
- To support HEIs progress in cyber security through training actions, talent recruitment, etc.
- To promote joint purchases to reduce costs.
- To define ICT standards that facilitate that sharing of solutions and certification and to work on a digital identity that favours international mobility and exchange of files.
- To strengthen collaboration with networks such as Red Clara and to improve the connectivity of the Higher Education Institutions.
- To support the transformation of teaching models and academic curricula.
- To contribute to SDGs by supporting actions for gender equality in ICT, quality education and improvement of the student experience.
- To consolidate the MetaRed Working Groups in the younger networks.
- To increase collaboration between Higher Education institutions in all international settings.